Multimedia Video Player Files Recovery - Version USB Key data recovery software works efficiently toregain and restore missed or deleted data. Data loss isno more a panic situation as unerase portablemultimedia player files recovery facilitates to recoverdata lost due to corrupted media, crashed hard drive orvirus attack. Data recovery becomes significantlytrouble-free with the help of this tool. WMA Playerfiles recovery utility also regains data lostaccidentally or unintentionally. Pen drive MP3 datarestoration tools recover erased music files, images,photos, movie clips, documents, audio, video and otherexisting data. USB memory key data restoration softwaresupports all kind of removable media like pen drive,memory stick, geek stick, iPod, digital camera or anyother portable device. Phone memory card files salvagesoftware regains back all your misplaced data from yourmemory card like music, images or contacts etc. This isthe most reliable and effective utility as compared toother alternatives.Features:* Utility to repair and restore your accidentally ortechnically lost files.* Recovers data lost due to corrupted media, crashedhard drive or virus attack.* Supports all kind of portable devices like USB pendrive, memory stick, iPod, digital camera or any otherUSB devices in all capacities e.g. 64MB, 128MB, 256MB,512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and even higher capacity drives.* Retrieves data like images, photos, music or soundfiles, movie clips or flies stored in any format likegif, psd, jpg, jpeg and others.* No mistreatment of data occurs during itsrestoration, tool maintains data security.* Does not require a technically trained customer.* Multimedia video player backup application supportall compressed or encrypted files and folders.