NSF to Outlook - Version 8.12.01 It has been never easy to convert NSF to Outlook files.It is a difficult, time consuming and tedious task. Thereason as to why NSF to Outlook conversion is timeconsuming and tedious task is that many data items likecalendars, archives, drafts, etc need to be transferredfrom Lotus Notes to Outlook. More and more organizations are switching from LotusNotes email client to Outlook email client or NSF toOutlook. High installation cost, high maintenance cost,and unfamiliarity of users with Lotus Notes are theprimary reasons as to why majority of organizationswant to convert NSF to Outlook. Moreover, the demeritsof Lotus Notes are the advantages in Outlook. Outlookhas features like low installation cost, lowmaintenance cost, and majority of users are familiarwith Outlook. Apart from this, since Outlook comes aspart of the Microsoft Office suite, therefore, you neednot purchase it. Thus, more and more organizations arepreferring Outlook as their email client and switchingfrom Lotus Notes to Outlook or lets say converting NSFto Outlook.Migration from NSF to Outlook is a challenge in frontof the organizations as they do not want to disturb theemployee working schedules. Yet another challenge infront of the organizations is that there should be nochange in the email formatting and properties.With the help of the NSF to Outlook third partymigration tool, you can easily and efficiently convertNSF to Outlook. Moreover, the NSF to Outlook migrationtool has a user friendly and easy to use graphical userinterface that enables even a non technical user toeasily work on it.