NSF to PST Converter - Version 8.03.02 NSF to PST converter software is helpful fororganizations and administrators who need good emailmigration tool to convert notes file to outlook fileand be assured of successful conversion without anyloss to any email or its respective item. Migrate lotusnotes to outlook with nsf to pst converter software. Itlets you convert unlimited number of nsf file to pstfile. NSF file migration to pst file is also possiblefrom lotus domino server. Software lets anadministrator get connected with domino server andconvert nsf file(s) of the desired user mailboxes.Convert emails, address book, journals, calendar,notes, drafts, folders with sub folders, sent emails,attachments, images, email properties, alarms, meetingsof lotus notes emails to MS Outlook i.e. nsf to pst.Software provides two save options: .pst and exchangeserver. Save with exchange server lets the user to listthe converted emails directly in exchange userprofiles. To preserve or not to preserve formatting ofemails, users can select the text or rtf save optionswhere former do not preserves formatting and latterpreserves formatting of the emails. Easy to use, 100%free from ad ware, spy ware, viruses, software supportsevery version of Lotus Notes, MS Outlook, MS ExchangeServer and Lotus Domino Server for email conversion.Free to try version of nsf to pst converter can betested for its email conversion capabilities. Converteditems : emails, calendars, notes, journals,appointments, attachments, images, address book etc canbe saved with full version of lotus notes to outlookconversion software.