NSF to PST - Version 8.03.02 NSF to PST software to convert nsf to pst. Migratelotus notes to outlook in easy steps and view emails ofLotus Notes in MS Outlook. You can easily convertunlimited number of nsf file to pst file with 3 optionsto perform the email conversion: convert single nsffile, convert multiple nsf file and convert dominomailboxes. With these 3 useful features, lotus notes toexchange migration becomes easy. Convert emails,address book, attachments, drafts, sent emails,journals, appointments, alarms etc of .NSF file into.PST file. Save the converted notes file with MSOutlook or Exchange Server. With MS Outlook saveoption, you can directly access the file with MSOutlook and with Exchange server save option, theconverted .nsf file is listed in the user profile on MSExchange Server, which is then accessed with MSOutlook. With nsf to pst conversion software, you caneasily convert domino user mailboxes and save them inexchange server. Software gets connected with thedomino server and lets you convert nsf files of a useraccount to .pst or exchange server profiles. Easy touse, 100% free from ad ware, spy ware, viruses,software supports every version of Lotus Notes, MSOutlook, MS Exchange Server and Lotus Domino Server foremail conversion. Free to try version of nsf to pstconversion software to convert nsf to pst can be testedfor its email conversion capabilities. The converteditems : emails, calendars, notes, journals,appointments, attachments, images, address book etc canbe saved with full version of nsf to pst conversionsoftware.