NTFS Data Recovery Software - Version Windows NTFS data recovery software supports Windowsoperating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003server, NT, ME, Windows XP (Home, Media center) andWindows Vista. NTFS data retrieval utility supports allhard disk drives partitions including IDE, SATA, EIDEand SCSI disk drives of your Desktop/Laptop. NTFS datarescue software restores damaged digital pictures andMS office documents from damaged hard drives. NTFS dataretrieval software provides facility for saving therecovered files at user specified location. NTFS fileundelete tool restores accidentally erased MS officedocuments (*.doc, *.ppt, *.xls etc) from corrupteddisk. NTFS data recovery partition rescue software isadvance and easy to use salvage files and folders evenhard disk partition volume is not recognized in theBIOS. NTFS data recovery software support data recoveryfrom formatted or virus infected mini disk drive.Windows NTFS deleted data recovery software retrievesMS office documents including word, excel and powerpoint files. Windows NTFS hard drive data rescueutility supports recovery of long file name folders aswell as compressed files. NTFS includes built-insecurity features such as file and folder permissionsand the Encrypting File System (EFS), which is thetechnology used to store encrypted files on NTFS volumes.* NTFS data recovery software retrieves deleted datafrom password protected hard disk drive.* NTFS data recovery tool restores lost data due toPower failure or Electricity fault.* NTFS data recovery software uses log file andcheckpoint information to restore the consistency ofthe file system when computer is restarted in the eventof a system failure.* NTFS data recovery program support revival of datalost due to logical error messages disabling the userto access the data.