NTFS Data Recovery Software - Version Highly interactive NTFS Data Recovery software offerusers to conveniently retrieve and restore entiremissed or intentionally removed precious data includingdigital photographs, favorite audio video songs, cutebaby birthday snapshots, movies, official projectreports, text documents, excel spread sheets, powerpoint slide shows, wallpapers and many more in easiestway. www.datadoctor.in allows users to prominentlyrecuperate deleted important files and foldersmisplaced due to accidental deletion, power failure,improper system shutdown, Corrupted MFT and MBR files,Damaged Hard Disk Drive, software malfunctioning, humanerror, virus or worm attack, formatted or reformattedhard disk drive and others. Data restorationapplication for Windows NTFS or NTFS5 file systemenable users to quickly regain overall removed preciousdata even lost from Recycle Bin Folder or erased byusing SHIFT + DELETE keyboard keys in cost effectivemanner. Best and comprehensive NTFS data recoveryutility facilitates users with enhanced option to viewretrieved files and folders before their final restoration.Features:* Innovative Data restoration utility for NTFS or NTFS5file system is easy and simple for user to regainentire misplaced important data stored in HDD.* GUI functionality enables users to conveniently workwith NTFS data retrieval software without having anyprofessionally guidance or special knowledge for executing.* Most reliable NTFS data restoration applicationallows you to store recuperated files and folders atparticular location and can be viewed by themwhenever needed.* Specialized NTFS Data Recovery software facilitatesusers to efficiently salvage entire erased memorabledigital snapshots or favorite movies from hard diskstorage media in minimum span of time.