NTFS Data Undelete Utility - Version NTFS drive economical data recovery solutions providescomprehension solution to repair NTFS logical windowspartition. NTFS windows disk recovery shareware toolrecover compressed folders and retrieves inaccessibleencrypted files. Windows vista files best data recoveryundelete software rescue data from deleted physicallydamaged hard drive due to corrupted NTFS boot sectors,MFT file record, MBR and LDM structures file systemsstructures. Data guard solid state devices recoverysalvage tool undelete audio-video songs file, pictures,images, zip, exe and text file. NTFS disk managementcrashed laptop recovery utility retrieve virus infectedMicrosoft office word, excel, power point, Accessdocument file. Vista freeware files recovery datasalvage application program retrieve missing file frompartition error, boot sector corrupted disk. NTFSadvance data recovery specialists tool provides easyaccess to logically crashed hard disk and recovercorrupted files and folders from. Vista windowsdisaster recovery software supports IBM, Samsung andSeagate and Toshiba hard drives. Windows vista datascanner software solution program has interface GUIProfessional file recovery wizard. Compressed imagerecovery software efficiently runs on Window 98, ME,NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista operating system. Features: * Encrypted data hdd files recovery software rescuedamaged data due to power surges and data sabotage. * NTFS Windows data recovery shareware softwareretrieves damaged files even affected by Virus. * NTFS data salvage software application programrescue crashed file. * Backup management software repair NTFS/NTFS4/NTFS5logical partition. * Computer files network files recovery tool undeletefiles from recycle bin even it emptied. * NTFS Windows emergency data recovery tool repairslogical NTFS file system.