NTFS Files Recovery - Version Easily download NTFS Files Recovery software fromwww.generatebarcode.com provides cost-effective mannerto regain official data from desktop system whichdeleted due to unexpected system shutdown problem.Advance data recovery application provides fastretrieval of files from hard disk which misplaced ormissing due to improper use of computer system andfacilitates to revive accidentally damaged images fromlaptop which are saved in different file format likejpeg, tiff, png, bitmap, jpg etc. Read-only NTFS filesrecovery utility works in user friendly interface thathelps unprofessional users to easily restore corruptedfolders from Windows hard drive at reasonable cost.File restoration program facilitates to rescuepermanently lost text files from worm infected laptopor computer system hard disk without any data loss.Recover accidentally erased documents from PC usingNTFS files recovery utility that provides ability tocost-effectively regain lost data in affordable mannerfrom hard drive. Data restoration software restoresbusiness documents from fully crashed or logicallycorrupted Windows hard disk without requiring anyexpert guidance. File recovery tool facilitates toretrieve important text files which misplaced,corrupted, deleted or crashed due to partition faultdata loss reason and provides easy method to rescuemusic files from damaged storage media which are savedin mp3/mp4 file format. Features:* Professional NTFS files recovery utility designed toregain data from logically formatted or corruptedcomputer hard disk.* Data recovery software developed to retrievemisplaced text documents from Windows hard disk withinminimal effort. * NTFS files restoration application provides abilityto rescue accidentally lost or misplaced data fromdesktop or laptop system.