No-Aura - Version Hundreds of sharewares/freewares (CuteFTP, GetRight, Go!Zilla, NetVampire...) are sponsored by banner ads using a system provided by the AUREATE firm. The trouble is that these DLL hook your browser and make hidden connexions to Aureate servers. These connexions will occur whenever you run your browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape), and will not stop even if you uninstall Aureate-related programs. No-Aura will easily block connexions to these servers. No-Aura will not alter Windows or other software's EXE, DLL or data files. Nothing will be written in the registry. No-Aura will not remain in memory while you work. No file will be deleted. No-Aura will never block a server without asking you first. Changes can be easily undone. Normal Windows and network operation will not be altered. Aureate- enabled programs will still be able to operate.