Odun Craigslist Posting Software - Version 1 Odun Craigslist Posting Software posting tool for ad placement automation .makes posting Craigslist ads easy! Post ads to craigslist automatically. Odun Craigslist Posting Software allows you to automate your personal and business online advertising. With a few simple clicks you can post multiple ads quickly and then manage day after day. If you are a business professional this software works great for those in the industry of Marketing, Real Estate, Auto Dealers, Business to Business, Recruiting and more. Our software works and that is no joke! Most of the competition out on the internet make false claims and big promises that don't deliver, but we stand behind our product and are always making it better to help you increase your business. With more than 5 years of software development we know our tools work, are you ready for them to work for you? You can use an unlimited amount of emails addresses with the Odun Craigslist Posting Software your Craigslist posts will appear as unique giving you less of chance of getting blocked or ghosted. Also supports the ability to set a