Open OST File In Outlook 2007 - Version 13.02.01 Corruption issues of the Exchange OST file can becompletely eliminated with Kernel for OST to PST. Itextracts all items such as emails, attached documentsand images, email addresses, task schedules and manymore from the corrupt OST file. Kernel for OST to PSTallow user to open OST file in MS Outlook or OutlookExpress. It can recover multiple Exchange mailboxes injust one cycle. This utility allows user to save therecovered exchange mailboxes in PST, DBX, EML or MSGfile format. It can also open OST file that hasexceeded 2 GB storage limit or got protected withpassword. This software is equipped with selfexplanatory graphical interfaces and therefore, usersare not required to undergo training on softwareoperation. Kernel for OST to PST software can open OSTfile created by any version of MS Exchange Server andMS Outlook. It also supports Exchange Server 2013,Outlook 2013 and Windows 8. Kernel for OST to PSTutility is also competent or recovering emails in theoriginal formatting, properties and order. It alsoallow user to search and recover emails of specificdate with date filter option. Moreover, this softwareis equipped with Find message option that allows userto search for specific emails in the Exchange OST file.You can download and use free version of the softwarethat can recover multiple corrupt OST files in a singleround. But to open OST file in PST or Outlook Expressfile format, you must purchase the licensed version ofsoftware. For more information visit