Outlook Contacts to Notes - Version 6.4 Unlimited PST to Notes Contacts Conversion convertsonly Outlook contacts to Notes without convertingcomplete mailbox. Convert PST Contacts File to Notes isan easiest way to convert unlimited contacts. It is useful, when you need only contacts in some otheremail client such as Lotus Notes or you want to safeyour Outlook Contacts because MS Outlook saves each &every item of mailbox into one PST file. So it will bebeneficial to convert Outlook Contacts to Lotus Notes.Lotus Notes saves the contacts into separate file namedas names.nsf. Software supports ANSI PST as well asUnicode PST file at the time of conversion. Softwareneed only PST files either it is orphan PST file orConfigured PST file. Software offers you to save yourOutlook contacts into new NSF file or existing NSFfile. If you choose new NSF file, you can get yourcontacts from the specified location where you savedyour file otherwise you can get from the existingnames.nsf file. Software uses append concept to savethe contacts into existing names.nsf file. Forsatisfaction, you can try Demo version. Download Demofrom SysTools Groups site and get it free of cost.After getting the satisfactory response, you can orderfor licensed version. Licensed version is available intwo type, Personal and Business license. Personallicensed version is better for an individual andBusiness License will be beneficial for an Organization.