Outlook Express Mail Recovery Tool - Version 3.0 Outlook Express Mail Recovery Tool - Recover OutlookExpress emails with complete DBX file and restoredeleted emails of Outlook Express with Outlook ExpressMail Recovery tool. Software restore deleted emails ofOutlook Express and you can also save Outlook Expressemails in five other formats such as RTF, MSG, DBX, EMLand PST. Outlook Express Mail Recovery Tool is theperfect solution to restore deleted emails from damagedor corrupted DBX File. Software is most useful forOutlook Express user and capable to perform multiplefunctions at a time. Outlook Express DBX Repair Toolquickly recovers deleted outlook express emails andrepair efficiently the damaged or corrupted DBX files.Software provides the both option save emails as .dbxfile or as .eml files. User can save recovered emailsaccording to the requirement like .dbx file or as .emlfiles. Software extract the corrupt DBX files and saveaccording to the user requirement into a new DBX, EML,MSG, RTF and PST files. Download free the Demo versionof the software and evaluate the software feature .Demoversion of the Extract DBX Tool can restore only first15 emails of DBX files. After the evaluation thesoftware you can get SysTools Outlook Express MailRecovery Tool only at $29