PDAPacMan Extreme (Updated) - Version 1.2 OverView:PDAPacXtreme Version 1.2 is a suite of products which contains the following programs:PacXtreme Game : GamePacXtreme Designer: Package’s World Designer (PC Software)PacXtreme Register: Software register (PC Software)Are you ready to experiment the most eXtreme version of classic PacMan game? Do it right now!!!! PacXtreme is an entertained and exciting game with a beautiful display and sounds. In addition you will get a great tool (PacXtreme Designer) to design your own Worlds which could be href=http://www.pdaadvanced.com/XtremeMain.asp>shared via Internet. PocketPC 2003 supported!!Main features:PacXtreme GameMove PacMan with the pen!Great displayComplete display scrollUser friendly interfaceSmooth motion Nice sounds (boat, owl, ocean, river, and more)Traps (lava, water)Flames, electricityDoors and key.Different BackgroundsA lot of wall tilesTransportation holesStairsTopTen High Scores (per package)Extensive number of Worlds to playCustomized by playerDifficulty level (High, Medium, Low) Direction keyPlayer nameSpeed (Fast, Medium, Slow)Package and World (level) selectionPause buttonCookies counterKey counterHelp optionEasy Register Way Minimize buttonPacXtreme DesignerPDAPacXtreme Designer is a drawing tool used to create World Packages to be used by PDAPacXtreme game on your PocketPC. The PDAPacXtreme Designer Workshop has almost the same Paint Microsoft® program components.SRC="http://www.pdaadvanced.com/assets/images/DisenaAnim.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="PDA Advanced - PDAPacXtreme Designer">