PST to NSF Exporter - Version 6.0 Why Lotus Notes is better than MS Outlook? Why would anOutlook user migrate from Outlook to Notes? There canbe many explanations to these questions. Lotus Noteshelps lets user to keep multiple copies of a singledatabase, Notes helps to work offline, Lotus Notesallows users to have a well routed work flow, higherlevel of security, these are the main reason whichpersuade users to switch there email client. When auser considers of changing email client first thinkthat comes in his mind is what will he do if his datagets corrupted in the conversion process? To avoid suchsituation a users have to choose the right PST to NSFExporter. SysTools Outlook to Notes a well establishedPST to NSF migration tool converts Outlook informationto Notes without damaging or corrupting any data.Export Outlook Emails to Notes along with all the otheritems with PST to NSF Exporter. Demo version of ExportOutlook to Notes converts only 15 items of Outlook toNotes, trail version is offer to users for free. At$129 you can grab the license version of PST to NSFExporter & migrate unlimited PST files to Notes. WithPST to NSF Exporter tool PST to NSF migration is surelyan easy task.