Parental Control - Version Powerful key stroke logger program enables concernedparents to know what exactly their kids do on desktopor laptop machine without presenting there. Easy tohandle keylogger software is useful for businessprofessionals to know their employees pc actionsperformed during working hours in secret way. Advancefeatured spy application is helpful to record allkeyboard activities and visited websites in completehidden mode. Keylogger program provides facility tokeep track of all keystroke sequences while workingwith MS word, games, multimedia applications etc. Welldesigned computer key logger utility is provided bycompany with inbuilt help manual to guide users fortracking of all internet activities of spouse. Stealthkey stroke logger easily monitors all user data, files,folders with name, date, time and location in invisiblemanner. Invisible Pc monitoring software offers userfriendly GUI interface that helps to use if forrecording of chat logging and other web activities.Keyboard tracking application easily captures all typedkeys including alphanumeric, functional and specialcharacters like Shift, Alt, Ctrl, Tab, Del etc. Features:* Spy tool facilitates to keep save complete user pcactivities as encrypted log file in txt format and sendit to user defined email address. * Parental Control program offers password feature toprevent unauthorized users to modify system softwareconfiguration settings.* Software supports all Windows operating systemenvironment like Windows Vista, XP, 7 etc to recordexternal user pc activities.* PC monitoring application does not appear in startmenu, control panel, desktop short cut icons andprogram files to secretly capture visited websites.