Pen Drive Recovery - Version Advance pen drive information retrieval application iswell known, powerful program which provides facility torestore all crucial images, digital photos, pictures,snaps, music files, folders and many other importantdocuments from devices which are corrupted due tosoftware or hardware malfunctions. Professional imagerestoration software recovers all significantinformation even system is displaying message that“Drive not formatted”, “Drive is pulled out” from pendrive holding ports. Freeware digital picture rescuesoftware supports several types of storage drive brandslike Kingston, Transcend, Lumicron, Jenoptik, Relisys,Panasonic, Philips, SanDisk, HP, Samsung, Sony, Lexar,Viking, Jet flash, Super flash media drives, Apacer,Corsair and many more. Pen drive data recovery utilityprovides various storage devices like handy drives, USBdrives, smart, key, jump, pen drives and many otherstorage media. Free image rescue software makes use ofinteractive and user friendly graphical user interfacewhich provides facility to understand and operateprogram easily for all users.Features:* Free drive image restoration software is extensivelyused to provide better facility for backup andrestoration of different types of data items likemusic, songs, snaps etc.* USB drive mass storage software facilitates variouscapacity of devices and range of these devices are 128MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB andmany more.* Thumb drive image rescue application does not makeany use of technical experts to understand, operateprogram and easily works with all beginner orexperienced users without any difficulty.* Pen drive snap recovery software retrieves each lostdata even in case when drive is completely being pulledout from pen drive holding devices.* Download key drive image regain software to retrieveall types of file formats like jpeg, mpeg, rif, tiff,gif, exif and so many kinds.