Perfect OST to PST Converter - Version 3.5 Perfect OST to PST Converter tool effectively repaircorrupt Exchange OST file (Offline Storage Table) toPST file (Personal Storage Table). Simple and secureways to repair OST file and read corrupt OST databaseand instantly extract OST emails. Perfect OST recovery software is a robust andresult-oriented OST to PST conversion tool whichsupports Unicode character conversion. PDS OST to PSTconverter software is an ideal OST repair solution toresolve unusable OST file issues. PDS Perfect OST toPST converter software surely converts all inaccessibleOST file data to PST file which is easily open in MSOutlook. Perfect OST to PST Converter Software is designed toconvert OST to PST files without causing any furtherdamages to the original file of OST mail contents. PDSOST to PST Converter Software is supported all outlookversion email client. Perfect OST to PST Converter Software Feature: * PDS Perfect OST Converter Software analyzescorrupt OST file very fast. * Perfect OST Converter Software showing all MailItems, Contact, Calendar and RSS etc. * Secure OST to PST Conversion Software. * Fast extract OST emails and all other items * Directly import OST emails to Configure Outlook. * User can check all items before making the OST toPST Conversion * Support Exchange 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, 5.0 * Supports Outlook 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, 97 Perfect OST to PST Converter trail available as freedownload from website, Demo version allows you to readOST file and recover OST file securely and show you allemail, contact, calendar and RSS etc. PDS Perfect OSTto PST Converter Software show all recovered items preview.