Perfect Way to Extract BKF - Version 5.4 SysTools established innovative advanced 5.4 version of perfect way to extract bkf. Destruction of backup file is a common problem which is suffered by NTBackup or VERITAS backup application users. If your BKF data is corrupt than it can affect your working speed while accessing backup system. Use SysTools BKF Recovery Software perfect way to extract BKF file without damaging the original backup database file. BKF Recovery Software is available in online market $89 only, so you can buy this software easily and perfect way to extract BKF files quickly. After using our backup database recovery tool you can effortlessly open items of BKF database like PST file, WAB file, SQL file, MDF file, images, movies, software, Microsoft items, HTML and to-do-list in working way. Key feature of Software: 1. Perform quick scan process to extract BKF file, 2. Perform Deep scan process to extract BKF file, 3 Range Based Scan function to extract few files from heavy backup file. Read more