Port Forwarding Wizard - Version 2.1 Using Port Forwarding Wizard,it will let you Infinitelyport forwarding until the destination ip address isachieved.It forwards any TCP/UDP protocol. For example:HTTP, SMTP, POP, TELNET, NETBIOS and SSL.You cancompletely use this tool wihout learning.When you try to access some remote computer,maybe thiscomputer located in a LAN that you can't directlyaccess or this computer are configed to deny yourcomputer's ip address.Under this situation,maybe youneed to go through a lots of computer to finally accessthe destination and the computers you must go throughmaybe run Windows,Solaris or Linux system.It willbother you so much.Now,you can deploy Port ForwardingWizard tool on those computers,no matter thosecomputers' system.After this,you can directly accessyour destination easily and enjoy your coffee:)Sometime you want to access ports on computers behindfirewalls, gateways, and inconfigurable routers.Underthis situation,you can not directly access a localcomputer located in a LAN.But if you deploy PortForwarding Wizard on Gateway and set port mapping,thennow you can directly access a local computer frominternet.Sometime your firewall forbid service on a LANcomputer,cause this service listen on a very low portnumber.Using Port Forwarding Wizard,you can mappingthis low port number to a high port number,then yourfirwall will not forbid your connecting from outsideyour LAN. Using Port Forwarding Wizard, you can automaticallymanage port mappings of your router. Port ForwardingWizard use UPnP technology communicating with yourrouter to view,add or delete port mapping.If youdownload movie or file from internet usingazureus,utorrent or BitComet and want to a very highdownload speed,you must know how to operate your routerto add or delete port mappings.Now using PortForwarding Wizard,you can easily to do this!