Recover Data Utilities - Version Recover Data Utilities is powerful tool that empowersusers to retrieve back files and documents lost due tovarious failure reasons like human intervention, powerbreakdown, system crash down, hardware failure, systemmalfunction and lots more etc. Data retrieval softwareis essential tool for every digital device user torestore information and files unintentionally lost fromstorage of removable media devices. Informationrestoration application provides easy to understandgraphical interface for driving this effective tool andimmediate recovery of missing, deleted or corruptedfiles from system hard disk. Recover Data Utilitiesalso facilitates to recover erased information anddocuments from various removable and non removabledrives like computer, laptop, flash drive, key chaindrive, mass storage, memory stick and lots more etc.Instant data retrieval application easily downloadsfrom company website to experiencevarious data restoration features of this efficienttool. Data regaining software provides facility torecover files of distinct format like txt, PDF, mp3,mp4, wave, mpeg, gif, jpeg and many more etc. Filesrestoration application is design to recover deleteddocuments from major data loss situation occur at mediadevices like accidental format, corrupted os, systemfailure, shift delete and more etc. informationregaining software provides advance and enhancefeatures to retrieve deleted files like scanning andsearching algorithms etc.Features:* Instant data retrieval software regains files andmissing documents by scanning corrupted and formattedhard disk. * Data restoration software has ability to restoresfiles from inaccessible storage of fixed media devices.* Image recovery application provides facility toregain files from corrupted and virus infected storageof micro SD card.