Recover Nokia Phone SMS - Version GSM mobile phone SIM card message revival softwarerecovers contact numbers (along with contact name) andtext messages from mobile phone sim card memory. Simcard recovery program restores corrupted data due tovirus or worm infection, human mistakes, logicalerrors, improper sim card usages, hardware or softwaremalfunctioning, blocked sim card etc. Professional SIMcard phone book recovery program can be installed onany Windows Operating Systems including Windows 2000,2003, XP, Vista, NT and many more. SIM card textmessage software provides GUI with inbuilt help manualand does not require any technical knowledge tounderstand functioning and features of this software. Shareware SIM card contact number undelete utilitydisplays sim card IMSI number, ICC identificationnumber, service provider name and many other sim carddetails. Cost effective SIM card SMS recoveryapplication can easily recovers text messages andcontact numbers along with contact name even if simcard is not detected by your mobile phone. SIM cardSMS salvage software is very cost-effective product ascompared to other mobile SIM card data recoveryproducts. Shareware SIM card data recovery tool usesadvanced searching mechanism to recovers mobile simcard details in minimal time. Mobile sim card messagesretrieval software provides full details of recentlydeleted call list including SMS, dialed or fixed numberwith date, time and location.Features:*SIM card SMS rescue software recovers erased textmessages and phone book numbers along with the contactname in few mouse clicks.*SIM card contact number recovery utility support toGSM technology based mobile phone sim card memory.* SIM card data revival program restores ICC-Identification number printed on the mobile sim cardalong with service provider name.* GSM mobile phone SIM card rescue program can workwith GSM/3G SIM of any country, any network.