Recover SQL BAK Files - Version 5.0 If you want to recover SQL BAK files without any datalost issue? Then don’t be panic! Try SQL BAK filerecovery software of SysTools which reduces the effortto recover SQL BAK database from corrupted SQL Server.You can recover vital data of SQL BAK files such as:table, views, triggers, stored procedures, indexes,constraints, default or predefined rules, defaultvalues, user data types, functions etc within fewclicks. You can download & try its demo version toclear all your doubts related to your data recoverymatter. The trial version of SQL Server 2008 BAK filetool scanned MDF & LDF files backup database data in.STR format by choosing “Save Scan” option. You canalso recover SQL BAK files tables which have beendeleted accidentally earlier. This SQL BAK filerecovery software supports all versions of SQL Serversuch as: 2008 r2, 2008, 2005 & 2000 & also compatiblewith all Windows OS versions. You can purchase its fulllicensed version of SQL Backup recovery software bypaying just $149 only. For more info: