Recover iPod Music Files - Version 9.04.01 Kernel for iPod recovery tool is capable of recoveringthe music, image and video files from the iPod devicethat has suddenly turned inaccessible. The software isembedded with effective algorithms that ensure fastretrieval of media files from the corrupt iPod drive.All the files contained within the corrupt iPod devicewhether video clip, audio clips, documents, photos orwallpapers, etc. can be easily restored using thistool. It successfully troubleshoots all iPod corruptionissues such as red icon, exclamation marks, frozen iPodand bad iTunes auto-sync. Kernel for iPod recoveryconsists of three robust modes i.e., Standard Scan,Advance Scan and Raw Scan to recover iPod music filesquickly. Standard scan fix minor issues of the iPodsystem and recover iPod music files from a corrupt iPoddrive. If an iPod device shows serious corruptionissues such as frozen face and red face, user canchoose Advanced Scan mode to recover iPod music filesand other information. Raw Scan is slowest recoverymode of Kernel for iPod recovery and it can effectivelyfix major iPod corruption. Kernel for iPod recovery canrecover iPod music files, video files and other datafrom all Apple iPod models such as iPod mini, iPodclassic, iPod touch and iPod Nano. It is compatiblewith most versions of Windows including Windows 8, 7,Vista, XP, 2003 platforms. You can download the freeevaluation version of the software and can recover thecorrupt files of iPod. It displays a preview of thefiles obtained in recovery process. But to save therecovered iPod data in a hard drive, you need topurchase the licensed version of the software. For moredetails: