Recovery BKF - Version 5.2 Backup data is most valuable data and if your backupdata got corrupted then you can use SysTools Repair BKFTool which is best tool for Backup Recovery. Oursoftware is unique and its methodology is totallydifferent it has advance BKF Recovery algorithm that'smake it very fast and reliable so, your corrupt backupfile easily repair through Recovery BKF tool. You canuse our demo version and feel the quality and benefitsof Recovery BKF Tool. You can save that bkf file whichis scanned by the demo version but you cannot extractthose bkf data on your PC, but in the new version thereis an option to load the previously scanned file intofull version after that you are able to extract thatbkf file. BKF repair tool helps to repair all BKFdatabase including images ( JPEG, PNG, BMP, PSD, GIF)song files (MP4, MP3) emails notepad file, MS Word, MSPowerPoint, MS Excel business document and other BKFdata. You cannot back up all of the specified data tothis disk device. The backup operation will stop". BKFbackup file software is a powerful BKF repair tool torecover BKF data with all version 98, ME, XP, NT, 2000,2003, Vista and Windows 7. Restore backup BKF utilityalso offer "Partial Scan" feature. In the recovery oflarge sized BKF files, you can do partial scanning ofyour choice. The demo version of SysTools BKF Repairsoftware recovers complete BKF data and allows you thepreview of the recoverable data, no payment is involvedin the process. If satisfied with the result ofoperating the demo version, the BKF Recovery Softwareis available at just $89.