Recoveryfix for Access - Version 11.09 This Access repair tool offers two recovery modes toits users which are as follows: Standard Mode andTemplate Mode. The standard mode is used in case the Access databasefiles have minor corruption in them whereas thetemplate mode is being used when the Access databasefiles are highly damaged or severely corrupt.Recoveryfix for Access tool has the ability to easilyand flawlessly recover or salvage table structures,field types, query interfaces, as well as datastructures such as primary keys, foreign keys, autonumbers and more from the damaged and corrupt Accessdatabase files and that too in an easy and proficientmanner.With the capability to repair even the encrypted orpassword protected Access database files, thisstupendous utility also comes inbuilt with a Livepreview technology.Also, support is being extended for the following MSAccess 2010, 2007, 2003, XP, as well as 2000 versions.Recoveryfix for Access comes integrated with aself-descriptive, intuitive, as well as interactivegraphical user interface which enables not onlyprofessionals but also non-technical users to easilywork on the tool.A free evaluation version is being offered to the usersusing which you can analyze the various features of thetool as well as repair your damaged and corrupt Accessdatabase files.