Repair BKF Tool Downloader - Version 5.3 If you are going in the direction of BKF recovery then we suggest you to choose BKF Repair tool which has been helping users since a long time to recover corrupted BKF database as well as you can use this utility to repair Symantec Backup database which is popular as VERITAS Backup. There are three scanning methods developed for user ease to scan before extracting the file. Quick scan quickly scans the corrupt files and recover files after completing that algorithm. Deep Scan performs scanning considering minute details. Partial scan performs scanning by applying partial scan algorithm. Our Repair BKF tool systematically scans damaged BKF files. Damaged BKF files and folders displayed in a tree like structure after scanning. You can easily navigate through the recovered files and folders and verify quality of the data recovered by Repair BKF Tool. Use demo version to check the software attributes and order its full version to re-establish your BKF database. Only $89 is the price of licensed version of BKF Repair tool.