Repair Corrupt Backup Files - Version 5.4 When using Windows NTBackup.exe tool for storing all your BKF files and when corruption occurs in BKF files, then you at once feel regarding file loss. In this situation, you should use BKF repair tool which is very helpful software to repair corrupt backup file. Updated version 5.4 of Repair Corrupt Backup File Software has added many features that a user wants to perform Repair Corrupt Backup Files process like, "Quick Mode" using this feature you can quickly recover corrupt BKF file, "Deep Mode" Using this feature you can deeply recover corrupt BKF file without missing any BKF files, "Save and Load Scan" using this feature you can save for demo version scan data and purchase full version you can load previous scanned BKF data. Using this Tool you can also provide Range Based Scan facility. Try demo facility to check the software attributes and get perpetual license version to access the all features of software. Read more