Repair MS Backup - Version 5.2 Brilliant SysTools BKF Repair Software to recover BKFdatabase and recently updated with new and advancefeatures like: Save and Load Scan: This feature willhelp you to save your precious time & allows you toload previous scanned data. Quick Mode: this featurehelps you to perform quick recovery, Deep Mode: withthis feature you can perform deep scan, there is nochance of missing any data. Repair MS Backup software'sextreme featured recovery process can easily recoverall of your data and meta information like images,music files, email files, document files etc fromcorrupt BKF file, corrupted due to unexpected backupinterruption, windows backup software malfunction,corruption of a hard drive, virus/Trojan attack, suddensystem shutdown/failure. The impressive features ofthis tool is that the software restores original filecreation dates of extracted files (Useful forLitigation, E-Discovery and Forensic experts), Advancesearch option to quickly locate files inside BKFarchive by extension, size, type. This software helpsyou to recover and repair your corrupted BKF backupfiles within few minutes; it is easy to use & reliable& helps to save your precious time. New & advancedfeature has been added in the updated version 5.2 ofSysTools Repair MS Backup tool, one of them is "PartialScan "this feature is useful in recovery of smallamount of data from a large sized BKF file. Softwaresupports to run almost on all Windows OS like95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista/7 backup utilities,Novell, Macintosh operating systems. For the evaluationof the software try the demo version of SysTools BKFRepair software, which will scan & displays therecovered data from the repaired BKF files. To save therecovered BKF data, purchase full version of our RepairMS Backup software just at $89 (Personal License) and$180 for (Business License).