Repair Word Document 2007 - Version 3.5.1 Unfortunately MS Word file shown error on screen as “The file is not in a recognizable format”, don't worried Try Excellent Docx File Recovery Software has dominant utility which is resolve all corruption problem without any extra effort. This Tool has many features like Try “Auto Recovery” option or recovers data using any trustworthy tool like Docx Repair Software. As we know that MS Word 2007 comes with its new features like mini toolbar etc this is totally different from old version (MS Word). Mostly users are familiar with MS Word 2003 version. However, Microsoft launches a latest version of MS Word which is MS Word 2007. MS Word 2007 uses Docx extension file to save all documents. ".Docx" is the new file extension and the older versions save word files as ".doc" files. You can create data like text, image, table, chart, diagram etc in Docx same way as Doc file. Free Docx File Recovery Tool offers for you can free download and check Docx file functionalities after that want to save permanently repair and recovered corrupted Docx file then use full version of Docx File Recovery Tool