Restore Exchange Server Database - Version 15.1 Nowadays, corruption of MS Exchange mailbox is a commonproblem of several organizations. There are differentreasons of Exchange database corruption of which themost common reasons are malicious virus attack,hardware/software malfunctioning, network faults,accidental data deletion, and others. Any minor mistakecan lead to a situation of data disaster. To retrieve the potential data from such unexpectedcorruption, Lepide Exchange Recovery Manager, anexchange server recovery tool is developed to restoreserver database. It quickly recovers deleted andcorrupt mailboxes of MS Exchange Server data from bothpublic and private exchange information stores.Entire Exchange mailbox items are recovered by thistool and user is offered to save them in other fileformats such as EML, DBX, Text and HTML. It isintegrated with various filter options such as To,From, Subject, Attachment size and Message Body thatlets user to find only required emails. The user canrestore all or selected email folders from Offline EDBbackups created by NTbackup.exe, Veritas Software, HP,Symantic and CA ArcServe. The tool is also available inEnglish, German, and French languages. It also providesoperation logs to have a glance at the details of allmigration operations. It enables users to extractuseful information from offline as well as online EDBfiles containing UNICODE or non-UNICODE data. The toolnot only supports Exchange 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 andExchange 2013 versions hosted either in the network orat the cloud, but also Supports Office 365 as bothSource and Destination. The updated version of Lepide Exchange Recovery Manageris available with more advanced features andperformance. It supports MS Exchange Server 2013, MSOutlook 2013. The trial version of the software doesnot allow user to save files; however, it is allowed inlicensed version of the software.