SENDMAIL for Lotus Notes - Version 1.23 Sendmail for Lotus Notes is a simple command line toolfor sending mails using Lotus Notes.Currently just for all W32 (95/98/NT/2000/XP) platforms.Lotus has no external program sending mails.With Sendmail for Lotus Notes you can:* Using your default infrastructure based on LotusNotes. Security features like encryption and signingavailable) * Send mails using every program that can spawn/executean other program.(eg.: ERP Systems, MS Office, VB Applications, Serverand Network health programs, ...)* Attaching files as text or attachment to the mail. (*and ? as wildcards are allowed) * Haveing full control over "Delivery priority", "ReplyTo",.... * Tested with R4.5x, R4.6x, R5.x and R6.x