SQL Database File Repair - Version 5.5 Performing SQL database repair would not be as feasibleas using this third party software. Download theprofessional SQL Recovery Software that not onlyperforms severely corrupt SQL database repair but alsomanages this within minutes. All corrupt, lost andinaccessible SQL database files are no more difficultto repair using this proficient SQL Repair tool. Thecapability of SQL database file repair tool is wellexamined with through its successful and accuraterecovery results. The software detects and resolves anycorruption issues, even if your database has becomeunreadable or the corruption is contained only withsome specific objects. You can easily fix consistencyerrors in your database while preserving integrity ofyour vital data. It also has the ability to restore SQLServer database MDF file as well as NDF file of yourSQL Server database. SQL users can recover deletedrecords from corrupt MDF file to script file and cansave them in separate SQL script file. Software createsscript file and restore all the information fromcorrupt MDF file to script file which can further beexported to SQL Server easily. You can avail the freeevaluation version of SQL database file repair forfree. However, the evaluation version restricts savingthe recovered data. So to save recovered data or wantto solve your query that how to repair a damaged SQLdatabase, you will need to purchase the full version ofthe software which is available for only $129. To readmore information visit at:http://www.free.sqlserverdatabaserecovery.org/sql-database-file-repair.html