SQL Database Recovery - Version 7.08.01 Kernel for SQL Database Recovery tool is one such SQLServer Recovery tool that is devised primarily to dealwith every sort of damage issues in the database. Infact, the software is very much effective in restoringentire corrupt data from Microsoft SQL Server 2000,2005 and 2008. The most striking attribute about thisSQL database recovery software is its capacity torecover and maintain that data including table, views,stored procedures, triggers, damaged unique keys,primary key and foreign keys even after the successfulcompletion of SQL database. All it takes is just fewminutes to repair SQL database. Perhaps, this software has made the SQL databaserecovery operation much easier. The ability to createthe script files where the recovered files are savedmakes it the most appropriate choice for SQL databaserecovery operation. With its interactive graphicaluser-interface and easy functions even an individualwho doesn’t have much technical knowledge about the SQLserver recovery could handle and operate it very well.Another good thing about this software is itsefficiency in reviving the data lost and save therecovered records in separate SQL script. Adding tothis, this SQL database recovery software is very muchcompatible with SQL Server version 2000, 2005 and 2008.The user can also take help of the demo version of thisKernel Recovery for SQL Recovery software. Using thedemo version the user can easily get familiar with itsoperation and features.