SQL Server Database Salvage - Version 4.8 Now, SQL Server database salvage can be easily done byadvanced SysTools SQL Recovery tool. With using SalvageSQL Server MDF file tool you can easily get back allitems like: tables, views, stored procedure, predefinevalues, functions etc) from corrupted or damaged MDFfiles. You can easily and quickly perform the salvagetask even after the SQL Server Database corruptionissues like: any kind of data corruption issue with SQLDatabase, table corrupt object id wrong, applicationbug, systems failure, improper shutdown, virus orTrojan attacks, etc and restore SQL Server databasescript in a new file or save data into existingdatabase. With the updated version of 4.8 has added newfeatures, one the most useful feature is "Save Scan" itsaves your time and lets you save the scanned data logfile with Demo version of software and you can easilyload that scanned log data into full version ofsoftware and can save the recovered original filesaccurately. You can smoothly Salvage SQL Server MDFFile Tool with the help of SysTools SQL RecoverySoftware; you can recover and repair Primary keys,unique key, indexes (including "IGNORE_DUP_KEY","CLUSTERED", "STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE", "FILLFACTOR"),and foreign keys, Deleted Records, Partly damagesRecords and Sort order for index keys etc, you canrepair predefined and default values, rules, constrain"CHECKS", user data types etc. SQL Server DatabaseSalvage software recover and repair corrupt MDFdatabase efficiently and database created using SQLServer 2008, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 andeffectively works with almost on all Windows98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista and Windows 7. Try demoversion and order full version at just $129.