SQL Suspect Database Repair - Version 4.8 How to Repair Suspect Database? Do you want to solvethis problem? Then you can try SysTools SQL Recoverysoftware. SysTools Software provides new and updateversion 4.8 of SQL Recovery to recover suspect SQLDatabase created using SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008database. This update version has added new feature"Save Scan" file option and the benefit of this featureto save your time (you can easily save scanned filesusing demo version and can easily load that scanneddata in full version of software). Most efficientlyrepair suspect SQL database using SysTools SQL Recoverysoftware. This software is extended towards every SQLuser as it supports all SQL versions.You can easily perform SQL 2000 suspect databaserepair, SQL 2005 suspect database repair and also SQL2008 suspect database repair using this tool. Thismeans, every SQL user can get the benefit of this tool.So, if you wish to repair suspect database SQL 2005 orto repair suspect database SQL 2000 or even SQL 2008,this software is the best tool for you. Repairingsuspect database using SysTools SQL Recovery is like acakewalk because the interface of the software ishighly simple and one can perform SQL suspect databaserepair by following the on screen instructions withouteven possessing any great technical skill.Also, the steps of the process are given on the websiteand also in the help manual along with the software.So, you need not think about - How to repair suspectdatabase as it is very easy. You can recoverconstraints & indexes; elements like databases,triggers, tables, views etc; primary keys, unique keys& foreign keys and can repair checks, default values,rules, objects and user defined data types also fromcorrupt MDF using this SQL repair suspect databasetool. Large sized databases can also be repairedquickly. All SQL versions are supported which means youcan repair suspect SQL 2005 database, 2000 database andalso 2008 database. You can get the software at $129.