Scanost - Version 13.02.01 Kernel for OST to PST is a utility which isintelligently designed to repair and recover OST filesand resolve other integrity issues in OST file.Resolving OST file issues is very necessary because anydisturbance in OST file could hinder the entire task onOutlook in proper way. On the other hand, OST fileholds essential information that you have worked duringoffline mode and for retrieving them you need to fixOST error and restore data. There are variousadvantages that you can enjoy from this tool as it iswell integrated with advanced algorithms and GUIfeatures. It is also an effective OST to PST converter.It offers you facility to save the recovered OST fileitems into various formats like PST, DBX, MSG, or EML.The QFSCI (Quick File System Component Identification)algorithm of the software ensures quick and completerecovery of OST file data even from severely corrupt orinaccessible OST file. After completing the scanningprocedure, the Kernel for OST to PST tool displays therecovered data in a tree like structure. This featureof the tool is very helpful to identify any specificemail item. Further, you are offered to save the OSTdata (mailbox items that include emails, drafts,attachments, notes, contacts, tasks, appointments, todo list, etc.) at desired location in various fileformats as per your need. While repairing andrecovering OST file and converting OST to PST, MSG,DBX, or EML, the software maintains originalformatting, structure, and properties of mailbox items.Kernel for OST to PST is available with free trialversion for evaluating its performance andcapabilities. The Scanost tool can be installed on anyversion of Windows OS such as Windows 7, Vista, XP,2003, and Windows 2000. The tool supports MS ExchangeServer 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, and 5.0, MSOutlook 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, 98, and 97,and MS Outlook Express 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, and 4.0. For moreinformation