Sentry Lite - Version 10.0.0010 FREE Internet Monitoring SoftwareSentry Lite is the 100% FREE Parental Control SoftwareDownload that offers parents and computeradministrators piece of mind. With Sentry Lite you canmonitor all of your computer´s browser logs and instantmessage conversations. Parents can now monitor andrecord their child's instant message and browseractivity easily and securely through our intuitiveweb-based control panel. Sentry Lite is this year'smust have parental control download!Stealth Parental Control Technology Absolutely Free!Sentry Lite offers parents the ability to monitor theactivity on their child's computer without their childever knowing they are being watched. Sentry Lite´sstealth technology is constantly working to ensure yourchild is never tipped of to your monitoring allowingyou to see really see what they do online! Sentry´sparental control software is even invisible to mostfirewalls and spy ware detectors, even under the newWindow´s Vista!Monitor Both Sides of Instant Messenge (IM)Conversations For Free!Once a parent download and installs our free parentalcontrol software tool, Sentry Lite they can instantlystart monitoring all of the internet´s most popularinstant messagers, such as AIM, Windows Live Messenger,Yahoo, AOL, and even the new MySpace Messenger!Unlike other software products Sentry Lite records andlogs both side the the IM conversation. Sentry LiteMonitoring Software lets you monitor not only what auser types but also what is typed to the user. You caninstantly access any user´s messenger logs anywhere,through our web-based control panel over the internet.Monitor Thier Internet History For Free!Sentry Lite provide parents with an indestructableinternet history log that cannot be deleted by thierchildren. If a parent thinks someone in their householdhas been visiting inappropriate websites but are unableto prove it, they may install Sentry Lite absolutely free.