ServiceKeeper - Version 4.2.29 Benefits:Keeps your mission critical server applications runningat all times· Prevents server crashes, avoiding expensive serverdowntime· Server failures are detected, recovered and notifiedquickly ensuring application availability without humaninterventionIntegrates with Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 1.ServiceKeeper controls the status of your network'sdevices, services and resources:Windows Services Status (running, pending, etc.),TCP/IP Services (HTTP, SMTP, FTP, TELNET, PING, etc -It allows you to check regularly the availability ofyour network ports and to monitor Internet Services andmultiple web sites from one server), File system (filesizes, file count, free disk space), Event Logfiltering (Watches for specific events in the eventlog), Process memory and CPU usage, Windows systemCounters, Custom scripts (Write your custom VBScript,includes access to ServiceKeeper internal variables) 2.Recovers failing critical applications using avariety of methods:Restart Services, Kill Service processes (No need toreboot), Start service on a different server(redundancy), Reboot servern Run customprograms/scripts or batch files, Clean up files (move,delete, copy etc.)3.Notifies downtime via:Email (SMTP), pager, SMS, Windows messaging (Net Send),Phone call notification using computer-generatedspeech, HTML and Event LogUsers have the possibility to notify all group membersand combine multiple notification tools. 4.Statistic Reports on overall availability, downtimedetection and recoveries.5. Services scheduling:Stops services at night during backups, Restrictsserver access at specific times, Restarts servicesevery night to clean up resources (memory, handles etc.)