SharePoint Recovery - Version 11.10.01 Kernel for SharePoint Recovery software has beendesigned keeping the importance of documents in mindthat is why the software repairs the corrupt MDF fileof SharePoint server seamlessly to recover lost data inno mean of time. It is an absolute solution for aneffortless repairing of SharePoint database file, whichhas been damaged due to abrupt system shut down, virusattack, hardware failure, application error, andpresence of bad sectors on hard disk. The software recursively scans the corrupt MDF file tofetch all of the documents stored in it. Once all ormaximum of the possible data is recovered, Kernel forSharePoint displays the documents in its left panelwhere you can select the required one for preview. Thesoftware provides two recovery modes – first one is Rawfile recovery mode whereas the second one is Live SQLinstance mode. The Raw mode can be used to recover lostdata from orphan MDF file whereas the Live SQL instancemode helps recovering the lost data when SharePointserver is down. SharePoint recovery tool allows saving information suchas location of SharePoint folders in html file. Thesoftware is also available for free trial, which allowsanalyzing its quality and data recovery percentage.However, the free version does not allow saving therecovered documents of SharePoint database. To save therepaired SharePoint database file, full version ofKernel for SharePoint Recovery software shall bepurchased. The software supports MDF file created usingSQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2008whereas it can be installed on any version of windowsoperating system to perform SharePoint Server recovery.For more information