Shopping Cart Professional - Version 6.08 Shopping cart software to create an online store.Insert cart controls into existing pages or make newpages. One-time licence fee. All UNIX, NT and Windowswebservers. Payment gateways. Dynamic catalogs. CGI onown server or on WebGenie`s secure server for a nominalfee. Price, tax and delivery calculations. Templatesfor catalogs and CGI-generated pages. Product filemaintained as Excel sheet. Mandatory field checking.Free 30-day evaluation. Categories and sub-categoriespossible. Selectable properties with variable pricing for different options. Up to three separate taxcalculations. Shipping rates calculated as flat charge per order, flat chargeper unit or variable charge based on weight via online interface to UPS ratecalculator. Price, tax and delivery calculations. Configurable templates forCGI-generated pages and catalogs. CGI is customizable.New Features:1. Wizard-style interface to build CGI and catalogs.2. Auto upload and install the CGI, templates, imagesand catalogs.3. Inbuilt web browser to view/test catalogs.4. Editable templates for static and dynamic catalogsand all CGI-generated pages.5. Product search function.6. Multi-page or one-page checkout; combine differentcheckout pages and/or alter the sequence of inputs.7. Confirmation page before sending the order.8. HTML formatted (or plain text) order andacknlowledgment mails.9. Customizable order email and invoice pages.10. Mask the card number in order email and retrieve itvia secure connection.11. Password-protected admin interface to update orderstatus.12. Password (order number) protected interface forcustomer to view order status.13. Repeat customer registration and login feature.14. Save an order and recall it later to continue orre-order. 15. All parameters are included in CGI so that catlogstake less HTML code.16. New format for the dynamic catalogs. 17. Enhanced Help with context-specific help for eachmodule.