SpamSit - Version 2.1.0 SpamSit is the occupy spam protest tool. You may choose to protest with a cyber sit-in at the websites that are advertised through spam. You may also choose to protest scam spam by responding with randomly generated email. Unlike a spam filter, SpamSit is unique in providing you the information and tools you need to protest the spam you receive. Your protest along with the protest of thousands can disrupt the spammer economy and end spam.SpamSit will gather the spam you receive from your IMAP hosts such as Gmail, Yahoo and AOL. SpamSit can also gather spam from your email clients such as Thunderbird, Windows Mail and Outlook. When you run a new batch SpamSit will load the spam from your sources into a database and extract all URL's from the spam you receive and then trace the URL to the final web host. Optionally, the program will then perform a domain block list look-up on all the domains found. You will then be presented with a list of domain/ips from which to select the web hosts you wish to