SpyZooka Anti-Spyware - Version 2.7.4 Every day since 2004 and till 2009 we add spyware to our database, automatically update SpyZooka Anti-Spyware software on computers worldwide and analyze over 100 million web pages for new spyware threats.Some anti-spyware programs detect all the safe cookies on your computer so it appears they find more spyware.Or they'll use old technology with false positives and claim you have spyware when you don't.Sometimes they'll even count each file from a spyware program separately so it looks like they detect more. Because one spyware can have hundreds of separate files.We put an end to false positives and misleading results. We use a complex algorithm to detect and remove only spyware.SpyZooka Anti-Spyware counts each spyware once, ending misleading results.