Stellar Phoenix 9.0- Data Recovery Software - Version 9.1 Stellar Phoenix: Data Recovery Software helps in recovering the all-important data after the system has suffered data loss. The latest version, Stellar Phoenix 9.0 is totally automated easy to use software. It can be used by individuals with no technical skills for it has done away with all technical inputs and screen.Does not need to be installed prior to a data loss incident.Recovers lost or damaged data even if the critical sectors, such as the partition table, boot sector, FAT or root directory are corrupted or missing.Interactive tree structure to view and select (tag) and recover files and directories to a safe location.Provides simplified & interactive screens result in faster data recovery process. Supports DOS, Windows'95/98, Windows ME, Windows NT (FAT), Windows 2000(FAT).Supports all variants of FAT file system - FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT and NTFAT Supports any capacity hard drives.