StorMail - Version 3.0 The main purpose of StorMail is to offer a way ofsaving your email messages "outside" of OutlookExpress 5. I started the project for personal usebeing tired of losing all my email messages every timeI reinstalled my computer. The full version of Outlookhas all the capabilities of StorMail +, so if you useOutlook then you don't need StorMail. Also StorMailwill not function with Outlook, only Outlook Express.Stores your email messages in an Access database file.Drag them out of Outlook Express and drop them on thebuttons of StorMail and they are saved.Allows you to drag those messages back out of StorMailinto any drag & drop enabled windows program.Provides an easy way for you to send email to theoriginal sender of the stored message. Search thetext of every stored email in seconds.2. System Requirements:----------------------------------------------------------IE5:StorMail requires that Microsoft Internet ExplorerVer 5 or later be installed on your Computer.It can be downloaded for free latest Microsoft Data Access Components for ADO, v2.6If you do not have them they can be downloaded from thefollowing URL as of (05/12/2001):Approximately a 7 megabyte file:(Not needed by Windows Me users) may also need the Microsoft Visual Basic v6sp5runtime files. They will not be included in alldistributions of this application. If you do not havethem they can be downloaded from the following URLas of (05/12/2001):Approximately a 1 megabyte file: 95/98/NT/MeIf you are running the new Windows Mellenium editionyou will not need either of the above files. InWindows Me these files are already available as partof the operating system.