SysInfoTools BKF Repair - Version 1.0 SysInfoTools MS BKF repair is a highly advance toolwhich used by almost all recovery service providercompanies. SysInfoToolsTool is a trusted brand in thefield of recovery software.SysInfoTools BKF Repair is most powerful new age datarecovery software tool to recover severely damaged orcorrupted BKF files. BKF files are created by NTBACKUPprogram which is in-built backup command of Microsoftwindows. Software can successfully restore and open BKFfiles which are corrupted due to various types ofproblems like Virus attacks, Disk Corruption, unexpected interruption in Backup process, CRC errorand corruption of software etc.SysInfoTools for BKF repair can repair and recover datafrom backup files created by Microsoft Windows ntbackupand Veritas backup exec or and other backup solutionwhich support MTF (Microsoft Tape Format). It preserveoriginal file folder structure inside BKF file whilerecovering. SysInfoTools BKF Repair is easy to usewith user friendly interface and no extra technicalskills are required by the user to use thesoftware.SysInfoTools for BKF repair demo versionrecovers corrupt BKF file and show the maximum repairedcontent of the BKF file. Saving function is disable indemo version. To save the repaired content of corruptBKF file purchase the full version of SysInfoTools forBKF repair.Please try our Demo verison of softwarebefore purchasing the full version so that you cansatisfy after seeing your maximum repaired data fromyour corrupt BKF file. Your satisfaction is oursuccess. We have dedicated support team that areavailable 24 X 7 to assist you at any point of confusion.