SysInfoTools PDF Repair - Version 1.0 DF Repair from SysInfoTools is highly efficient PDFrepair tool to recover 'n' numbers of corrupt PDF filesin one repair session. PDF Repair from SysInfoTools,creates a new working PDF files and is able to restorethe recovered PDF objects, such as page tree,cross-reference table, Images; interactive objects:links, notes, action performed when clicking on links.PDF Repair application from SysInfoTools, uses newaccelerate algorithm to scan the corrupt or damage PDFfiles and enable the user to recover all possidle dataincluding content, images, hyperlinks etc. from corruptor damage PDF files that are not openable in AcrobatReader. PDF Repair from SysInfoTools is very highefficiency software and allows the analysis of damageddocuments at your workstation, other data recoveryengineers are not required in the process Now a day's, PDF files are one of the most reliablemedium for information sharing but still they are proneto corruption due to numerous reasons such as hardwaremalfunction, uploading/downloading error of PDF files,virus attacks, sudden system shutdown, sending orreceiving of files over internet, power failure,printing of files etc. Using PDF Repair tool fromSysInfoTools, you can recover any corrupt PDF file thatis corrupted due to above reasons in just few seconds,you only have to select the corrupt pdf file and thelocation where you want to save the recovered file. Itcan recover all existing text, images, tables,hyperlinks and forms from the corrupt PDF file with allthe PDF file information including its page size,number of pages and version. SysInfoTools PDF Repair isvery easy to use with straight forward user interfacethat can work with minimal user input and anyone canuse the software without requiring much technical knowhow. The software does not modify the original file inany way, this makes this software non destructive anderror free backup. PDF Repair tool from SysInfoTools isa stand-alone application.