SysInfoTools ZIP Repair - Version v1.0 SysInfoTools ZIP Recovery software is an advanced toolthat repair corrupt or damaged zip files, archives andrecover data from them. You can also recover your datafrom zip files that are corrupted due to virus attacks,incomplete download, crc error or even sabotage and canstore the recovered zip files to the user definedlocation easily. When the recovery process is done thecorrupt zip file is scanned completely and recovers thedata present in it as much as possible minimizing theloss. SysInfoTools ZIP Repair is easy to use with veryuser friendly interface and interactive GUI anyone canbecome expert in using this software without any muchtechnical know-how. SysInfoTools ZIP Repair demo isfreely available on our site this will help you toevaluate the performance of our software it only showthe recovered files but to save the recovered files youhave to buy the full version of the software. We havededicated support team that is available 24 X 7, 365days and will try to assist you in every possible way.