ThorConnWndClass Error - Version 3.2 Outlook is such a popular email client management tool,which is widely used all across the world. But due todifferent errors, different problem comes. LikeThorConnWndClass error generates due to some specificreasons like corruption in bar, improper Outlookinstallation, incorrect Outlook settings. But if youuse our Outlook recovery tool, this tool not only scansPST files easily but even provides an instant solution.So use it so that you can fix efficiently and effectively. To fix ThorConnWndClass Error messages "ThorConnWndClass Error: ThorConnWndClass Unable to Close"Firstly check out that whether Norton antivirus filesbecomes gets corrupt. But generally the inbuilt tooldoesn’t give any satisfied result. So it is importantto grab a third party tool at right time, i.e. Outlookrecovery tool to fix ThorConnWndClass Error.It’s free release and completely charge less. You canuse it to take a preview of corrupted files but to saveall corrupted data; you have to pay purchase ourcomplete model in just $49. And if still any doubt leftin your mind, you can contact our support team.