Thumb Drive Recovery - Version Have you lost something very important due to logicallycrashed Thumb drive, Simply make use of easy todownload Thumb Drive Recovery software that offers standard or advancedsearch techniques which quickly scans and recoveroverall deleted data in form of images, collegetutorials, project reports, database records, movies,music files and personal documents etc from all USBdrive. With the aid of proficient data restorationutility you can easily restore your mistakenly lostfiles having different format like mp3, wmp, mp4, 3gp,avi, dvx, mov, dat, mpeg, jpeg, gif, bmp, xls, pdf,doc, txt, html, xml, mdb etc from formatted thumb drivewithout affecting the original contents of data, pixelsize of images and resolution of photos. ComprehensiveThumb Drive Recovery application has full support allmajor brands of USB drives including Lexar, Lenovo,Samsung, SanDisk, Sony, Toshiba and many others offeredin market of multiple capacities. Flexible USB drivedata restoration program retrieves your missingpersonal files having crucial account information,password, loan details etc lost due to major data losssituations such as format error, power failure, logicalerror and OS failure etc. Thumb Drive Recovery tool isdesigned with interactive and real time graphical userinterface that provides manual help guide which in turnassists technical as well as non-technical users toeasily understand software functionality without takingany assistance of external expertise or special training.Features:* Expertise Thumb Drive Recovery application allowsuser to recover their deleted important data in costeffective and timely manner.* USB drive data rescue tool rescues lost audio/videofiles even from undetectable thumb drive just in fewcountable clicks of mouse with your less efforts. * Thumb Drive Recovery tool successfully runs on allmajor versions of Windows OS like XP, VISTA, 7 etc withno extra software installation.